Submitted by furniche
It’s important to know the difference between an interior decorator and an interior designer in order to move forward with a project while appropriately meeting your renovation or redecorating needs.
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In most instances, an interior designer will take on grander projects. Consider the spectrum of work needed, structural changes involved, and if lighting, electricity, acoustics, or windows will be affected or changed with your project. An interior designer can plan large-scale renovation projects from start to finish so that you can achieve a complete look. Learn more about interior designers at the American Society of Interior Designers.
An interior decorator can offer assistance with the same result: A well planned, complete space; but he or she does so by focusing on the aesthetics of an existing space. A decorator would likely not involve renovations rather change your room’s look with new furniture, a new layout, and other small touches to best utilize your space in its current structure. Learn more about space planning in your home.
Of course, some home improvement projects can be done without professional opinion. With some research and creative thinking, you can achieve your desired look on your own—buy your own furniture; try different layouts; use art and throws to add eclectic touches. And if you’re on a light budget or are just feeling particularly crafty, you can really DIY! Sew some pillows, paint your furniture; or recover a couch for a completely new look. The best way to determine what route to go—designer, decorator, or DIY—is to consider the scale of the project, your budget, and your personal level of comfort with your skills and ability to complete the task at hand.
Insider Tip- Certified Interior Designers will be willing to provide credentials and references.
Insider Tip – Failure to plan is the most common mistake in room makeover projects.