Choosing an area rug is a great way to bring color and texture into your room. A patterned rug can add depth and beauty to a plain space as well.

When you’re choosing a patterned rug, it’s still very important to consider color. Make sure that the dominant color fits into your color scheme—to ensure accuracy, you can use toss pillows or fabric swatches when shopping. But look at the palette of the rug as a whole as well: Lighter colors will open up your room while darker colors condense your space. Learn about using color with your furniture.

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The greatest factor in selecting a patterned rug is the longevity of the pattern. You should choose a pattern that is classic enough to stand the test of time especially if your rug is a high-cost purchase. For example, a chevron patterns have been quite popular for a couple of years, however, it is more a trend than a staple style element. You also want your pattern to be versatile. Consider how versatile it would be with a variety of style types in the event you choose to change-up your space over time.

Finally, don’t neglect your furniture layout in the room and the pattern of the rug. If the pattern is mostly emphasized in the border, it’s likely meant to sit under a table so that the pattern can be seen. If you place it under your couches, the pattern will be hidden. Conversely, you don’t want to use a center-heavy pattern under a table or in a living room layout where it would be covered by a coffee table or ottoman. Learn more about space planning your room.

Failure to plan is the most common furniture mistake. Be sure to check out the  wide selection of furniture space planners, color wheels and furniture templates available from


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