Wool rugs are one of the more popular types of rugs used in home décor; but there are many types of wool rugs, as well.

In fact, all wool rugs vary slightly because the wool from each sheep is different.

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Sheep’s wool can be affected by type of sheep, age, health, gender, care, and the shearing method used to harvest the wool. Origination can also play a part in the variations between wool rugs—the area of the world from where the wool is acquired and also differentiations in culture rug making processes. Some differences can occur in the rug making process as well. While some wool rugs are woven by hand, others may be machine tufted. Wool rugs processed through a machine might actually be made of a wool blend—about 80 percent wool and 20 percent nylon.  Learn more about Surya Rugs, one of the world's top wool rug manufacturers.

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