There’s no place like the great outdoors, and creating a comfortable outdoor living space is the best way to enjoy it.

Shopping for outdoor furniture can be quite different from buying furniture for your indoor spaces because there are more variables to consider. Find furniture stores in your area.

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Firstly, you must consider the environmental factors. You want something sturdy and heavy enough to withstand wind and storms.

Of course, you’ll need to look for waterproof coverings to avoid damage from rain and snow. Consider pieces that also are easy to wipe clean of leaves, twigs, and animal droppings, and select colors that don’t show stains or fading from sunlight. That’s a lot of environmental elements to consider, but one factor may weigh more heavily than another depending on where you live.

You can also consider what to showcase with your outdoor furniture. Do you want a large picnic table for outdoor meals and hosting barbecues? Or maybe you’d prefer comfy couches surrounding a fire pit for stories and s’mores. You can always line a pool or water feature with chaises for sun bathing. Or maybe you’d like some fun and unique options like a swing or a hammock. Different types of furniture can create different vibes for your outdoor living space, based on your needs, interest, and lifestyle.

Insider Tip- Simple covers will protect your outdoor furniture from the elements and keep your furniture clean.

Insider Tip – Teak wood furniture will be durable and long lasting but requires treatment to maintain the look or you may let it weather and gray naturally. Learn more about woods used in furniture.

Failure to plan is the most common furniture mistake. Be sure to check out the  wide selection of furniture space planners, color wheels and furniture templates available from


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